About a year ago, I posted a video on YouTube, where I shared a lesson that I created for one of my private students - David. Because writing wasn't his thing, David asked me to create a FORMULA for the SAT essay. I did. The FORMULA worked so well that David received 8/7/8 on his essay (almost perfect) despite being a weak writer. This mini-course will offer you the exact formula with the template and more.

Hi, I am Katya Seberson!

I tutor SAT and ACT professionally for over eight years, and I have helped multiple students get perfect scores on both the SAT and the ACT, including their essays. Additionally, I am a published author - twice. You can buy my books anywhere books are sold.

In this course, I have reached into my private vault of writing templates and created something invaluable for you guys - a template. It will help you navigate the essay and use your time efficiently. Remember, you will only get 50 minutes to put together a well - written, planned out essay.

I know that many of you are already great writers and may not "need" a template. In my experience, many great writers do not achieve a high score on the SAT essay. Bummer. I know.

Here is the deal: the SAT essay follows a specific formula, and the graders will be looking for something concrete in your writing. HINT: It's different from something that your high-school teachers would typically reward in writing. Graders will be looking for rhetorical analysis, not your ideas and creative thoughts.

For those reasons, you need a template that will outline the necessary components AND highlight some sentence structures that will add points to your overall analysis, reading, and writing scores.

Reading Skills

You need to demonstrate in your essay that you've understood the argument well, a.k.a. have excellent reading skills.

Analytical Skills

Graders will often take points off for thin or weak analysis. You must remember to tie your analysis back to the main argument.

Writing Skills

You will get points for demonstrating your writing craft! Make sure you use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary along with transition sentences.

Why do you need this Course?

After posting the video tutorial on YouTube, the response was overwhelming: students were DM-ing me asking to create a mini-course walkthrough. They wanted me to walk them through the essay template step by step in under one hour.

During the quarantine break, I have created a universal SAT essay template that does just that. I am confident that this template will help many students produce a flawless rhetorical essay during the SAT exam.

After you make a purchase, this Course will instantly give you access to the template, but I also included new explainer videos, pdf downloads, Trello boards, and more.

I want you to use this Course to become a better-skilled writer not just for the SAT essay but in general.

Jay Shanty,

I am all about making things simple. When your audience can understand you, they are more likely to agree with you!

Aya Farhat,

Thank you for your comment. Creating a vivid image in the audience's mind is something fundamental to me and helpful for persuasiveness. 


I am so glad you've found this video useful and structured.